Socio-environmental Justice

Brazil possesses the world's largest tropical rainforest and greatest biodiversity. However, this immense wealth is threatened by forest and other ecosystem destruction due to large-scale projects, the expansion of soybean and sugarcane monocultures, and the advance of cattle ranching.

A key issue for the future of humanity is the effects of climate change. On the international stage, Brazil is a significant player in the construction of a new global agreement to mitigate the effects of this phenomenon. Conversely, the country ranks among the world's largest polluters when it comes to emissions resulting from fires and deforestation. Discussing and supporting initiatives that can alter this scenario is one of our primary tasks.

The issue of energy is also central to the debate on sustainable development and climate change. Renewable energies, such as wind and solar, have the potential to replace traditional sources that cause significant environmental impacts (hydroelectric) and substantial CO2 emissions (coal). At the same time, despite being costly and dangerous, nuclear energy emerges as a false solution.

Current articles


Desmatador não faz quarentena - uma conversa sobre as ameaças à Amazônia durante a pandemia - Fundação Heinrich Böll Brasil

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Os desafios do sistema alimentar brasileiro na pandemia com Beto Palmeira (MPA) - Fundação Heinrich Böll Brasil

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Capa da publicação

Transformation by design, not by disaster

A publicação alerta para a necessidade da redução em quatro principais fluxos materiais e de produção energética: Metal, Fóssil, Mineral e Biológica. O documento também mostra a necessidade de redução imediata e de mudança para um padrão de produção verdadeiramente circular e sustentável. Confira!

Plastic Atlas

The Plastic Atlas provides facts and figures about the world of synthetic polymers.  ➢ Download or order now!

Agriculture Atlas 2019

Facts and Figures on EU Farming Policy: No other economic activity is so closely interwoven with the human and natural environment as is agriculture. If farming changes, so too the ecological and social systems that it hosts must change. The Agriculture Atlas shows how closely Europe’s agriculture is intertwined with our lives and our living space and pushes for a better, fundamentally different set of agricultural policies.

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