Digital Rights

The world is undergoing intense technological transformations alongside social changes. Technological advancements shape society, and societal shifts in turn influence technology.

Issues such as misinformation, fake news, content moderation, data breaches, artificial intelligence, machine learning, surveillance, algorithmic racism, and other digital rights concepts are increasingly prevalent in everyone's lives and require attention in civil society organizations' discussions.

The way politics is conducted is being transformed by technology, and politics itself must challenge and scrutinize the production and use of technology.

These elements collectively constitute what we term "technopolitics," a concept explored by many Brazilian researchers and activists interested in discussing the production and utilization of technologies.

Supporting and promoting understanding of the impacts of technology production and use is one of the tasks of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Current Articles


Manuela D'Ávila - Como o discurso de ódio onilne de gênero afetam mulheres na política? - Fundação Heinrich Böll Brasil

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Manuela D´Ávila – IA, desinformação e eleições - Fundação Heinrich Böll Brasil

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Reconhecimento Facial



Podcast Tecnopolítica


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Lado B do Rio #246 - Revista AzMina

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